April 16, 2011

On 'How to Become a Humanitarian Aid Worker'

It all seems so simple.

Sign up, make sure everything is in order, and poof! your job is done.

Why is it then, that so many of us cower in our recliners, watching the news at Eleven o'clock every night wondering why on Earth such terrible things happen.

I wonder what great things would happen if one person from every household got up off their duff and decided to actually do something about the frightening things that go on in the world rather than just chat.

We open our mouths in opposition to the President, chide the woman in front of us in the grocery store who is moving much too slow, and glare at kids walking down the street who are dressed like they belong in a jail cell.

And yet we refuse to give those people any benefit of the doubt. We are such a negative society.

If for once in our lives we stopped thinking about ourselves and began helping someone else, the world could run how it's supposed to: Lovingly, like siblings lifting up the younger brother who has fallen and cut up his knee.

We are all of Abraham's seed.

So why do we kick our brother when he's down?

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