August 27, 2010

Classes- Friday.

This week has been a blur.

It began with math, greek, marching band, gned, sociology, education, new testament Bible survey, and an additional education... marching band being the only safe sounding class, and greek, sociology, and math sounding the most frightening.

It has now ended:
Marching Band

New Testament Survey

Marching Band still being the safest and favorite by far, but most unloved class is definitely math.

My teacher is a wonderfully kind woman, she is just teaching her first year, so she is unsure about everything and doesn't quite have the fluidity the others do.

It doesn't help the situation that the class starts at 7:40 a.m.

Next scariest class: Gned. It's an easy class, but once again, it's really early in the morning. My brain has not yet begun to function.

Because Marching Band is so fun that it doesn't appear to my brain as an actual class anymore, Greek and Sociology are going to have to be chosen as favorite academic classes. At first I was apprehensive to the classes. I didn't know what to expect. They are both honors' courses, and I fretted most of the summer wondering, are these going to be boring, information-full classes that will end up being robotic and didactic?? Quite the opposite, I have found.

Both of these classes are full of interaction between proffessor and student, and there is a lot of peer conferencing as well.

Nearly all of my proffessors are vibrant and excited to be where they are. They not only love doing what they do, but also being where they are, which is very apparent, and is absorbed by the entire classroom. I am currently worried slightly about my english class (it is a 200 level class, and I am only a college freshman) but after speaking shortly with my proffessor at the close of today's class, I have renewed courage that I can get through it alive.

And now I will say to you as Dr. Steven Kerr, less than an hour ago said to me,

"It's Friday night."

August 22, 2010


Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow.
Hopefully, that is.

Tomorrow marks that loveliest of all occassions in the freshman college student's life: the beginning of classes.

I sit here hoping and praying that life will continue on, and that the butterflies will stop making me want to dispell the remants of breakfast out of my body. This is life.

The past two weeks have flown by, the first- which you have heard about- being guard camp, the second-being much, much easier and able to handle (without any lossage of teeth) being band camp.

Last night was our official end of band camp day. We performed our show to a small audience of family and high schoolers, and gathered together as a family creating a symbol of the sweat, blood, and tears that had gone into the week. I am now an honorary member of Liberty University's Marching Band, and I truly belong in our Sacred Block.

We have worked hard to get the show to where it is, and have done a good job. Not to say we have reached perfection, but I am proud of our team.

Through out this year, Marching Band is going to have a spiritual theme to our devotions and actions, this being: I will help you be more like Christ.
I have already begun to see this come to fruition in the last two weeks.

We begin our days with prayer, and continuously remind ourselves and others that we are not marching, spinning, or playing our instruments for ourselves, our friends, or our school, but for God.

This focus has helped us to realize that life is not really about "me." It's all about HIM.

Much work is left to come, but with Him, all things are possible.

August 12, 2010


Today we learned a bit of routine to the song Immortal.

It was quite the hands on experience- or should i say face on.

you can't tell very much, but i have a nice prett bruise on my left cheek. it's the diamond shape that is darker in the shadow. Don't worry- it's not that bad. I kinda like it actually. Makes me feel hard core. Yesterday i chipped one of my teeth.
Guard is abusive.

August 11, 2010


Wanna now my schedule for guard?

6 AM: wake up.
6:30 AM: eat breakfast
7 AM leave for guard



11 PM: leave guard
11:30 PM: fall into bed
11:31 PM: fall asleep

6 AM next day: wake up. feel groggy.

but its ok. i love it anyway.

August 5, 2010

El Numero Uno

Today is the first day of Andrea and Liza Adventures: Lynchburg, Va.


Mom and I both slept in, which is probably a good sign. She normally never can, so I'm guessing she was either exhausted or peaceful. Yesterday we got to meet Georgia Grace, my newest cousin, and only cousin on my paternal side. She's beautimus.

Today, we are going to assault the mall.

Tonight, we are going to the airport, and flying out to Lynchburg.

I felt like I was about to empty my stomach in the least favorite way yesterday and the day previous, but today, it's different, more like butterflies are attacking my stomach. I think I might end up being jumpy today. I'm excited.

Here we go!


August 3, 2010

el fin

today is the last day i fully have in Grand Junction, CO.

I'm not sure my emotions have quite caught up with me just yet.

Here I come... :)