August 27, 2010

Classes- Friday.

This week has been a blur.

It began with math, greek, marching band, gned, sociology, education, new testament Bible survey, and an additional education... marching band being the only safe sounding class, and greek, sociology, and math sounding the most frightening.

It has now ended:
Marching Band

New Testament Survey

Marching Band still being the safest and favorite by far, but most unloved class is definitely math.

My teacher is a wonderfully kind woman, she is just teaching her first year, so she is unsure about everything and doesn't quite have the fluidity the others do.

It doesn't help the situation that the class starts at 7:40 a.m.

Next scariest class: Gned. It's an easy class, but once again, it's really early in the morning. My brain has not yet begun to function.

Because Marching Band is so fun that it doesn't appear to my brain as an actual class anymore, Greek and Sociology are going to have to be chosen as favorite academic classes. At first I was apprehensive to the classes. I didn't know what to expect. They are both honors' courses, and I fretted most of the summer wondering, are these going to be boring, information-full classes that will end up being robotic and didactic?? Quite the opposite, I have found.

Both of these classes are full of interaction between proffessor and student, and there is a lot of peer conferencing as well.

Nearly all of my proffessors are vibrant and excited to be where they are. They not only love doing what they do, but also being where they are, which is very apparent, and is absorbed by the entire classroom. I am currently worried slightly about my english class (it is a 200 level class, and I am only a college freshman) but after speaking shortly with my proffessor at the close of today's class, I have renewed courage that I can get through it alive.

And now I will say to you as Dr. Steven Kerr, less than an hour ago said to me,

"It's Friday night."

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! My daughter just dropped a didactic in a post! Woot! Of course, I'm wondering whether or not she's wondering why there is a little red line under the word "proffessor". :D

    Don't worry kid, I just busted my boss for her use of a split infinitive!

    Who's a Meanie?
