July 20, 2010

2 weeks

Ladies and Gentlemen,
I officially have 2 weeks left.

There is no possible way I could ever explain to you this feeling. I'm really excited... but also nervous and scared out of my boots at the same time.

Yesterday i was looking online for lists of items i may need for college. Scary. Apparently people forget all kinds of things... so pretty much. There is so much to think about i hardly have time to think about what the meaning is to all that i am doing. i'm spending every possible waking moment with the people i care about. doing frivolous things and important things, whichever. I try not to let myself be alone with my thoughts... I'm scared they'll catch up with me and overwhelm me... is that a bad thing?

maybe its just a little kid thing, but i continuously find myself running to the front door to catch mom before she goes out... whether it's to the grocery store, work, or terry's house to go riding. this evening she went to go to her sheriff posse meeting, and i almost went with her. even though its really not my thing. i ran downstairs to the front door and demanded a hug before she left. even though her hands were full. i keep doing little things like this. thinking of ways to bribe her to spend time with me... i go into the stores i would normally stay in the car for... and of course it's the same for daddy... maybe even worse actually...

i try to pretend like i don't really care too much... like he can do whatever he likes, that's fine... but really i watch him a lot. doing what he loves. :)
i get mad now any time he doesn't tuck me in at night. he made a point of tucking me in every night when i was little... but now that i'm older, he doesn't want to appear to be hovering... but the secret is, i love the 5 minutes i get by myself with my daddy before i go to bed... talking about the crazy people he had to deal with at work that day... asking him a silly, completely pointless question, on the spot, just to see what he responds. he's one of my best friends, you know?

ok. that's it. no more being sappy. you'll never get followers and readers if all you do is cry while you're writing your blogs!

chap stick.
duct tape.
sewing kit.
soap to wash dishes.

just a few of the things i would have forgotten without the help of the magical world (of disney)... wide web actually... but same difference?

i'm trying to pack my clothes for Liberty, and have discovered: once i am packed, i will have nothing to wear. all of my shirts, minus maybe 10-15 are going in a bag of luggage. and am i going to be able to wear any of those? of course not. ... they are all either too short, ugly colors, or long sleeved... and it's 109 degrees outside. and at least 80 at night. the good thing is that i have enough shorts that i am leaving at home that i can wear them... hopefully i never will have to resort to going topless, although in this day and age, i may just fit right in with the crowd...

i also have been going through my art room, to see if i can discover any hidden treasures that will help to energize my room and make it more "liza" :) so far this is what i have:

there are more, but that's all i can think of right now. i'm also taking lots of pictures and at least 2 paintings that i myself have created. during my most creative moments, good things come out on canvas. :)

and lots of shoes.

there is so much i wish i could take with me (including **my very own queen sized pillow top mattress and bed**... to use instead of that tiny twin sized piece of cardboard) but it won't all fit. as it is, i'm going to have to fight for every inch of space.

i'm washing my entire wardrobe and ironing it all before i try to pack... Gilmore Girls told me it will work... so we shall see. Mom and I are only taking carry on luggage, including our own bags (1 each) and a "purse" or laptop bag etc.

i might cry.

i also have the option of mailing things to myself.

airline fees are too outrageous at this present time to check in any bags. so into cardboard boxes go the shoes and large-ish tools. good-bye go the enormous cd collection and half the wardrobe. and the art room and toys.


but i'm really glad we are going to fly across the country, not fly... even though the extra space would have been amazing. we'll get there in a day, not four.

... and secretly,


I can't wait.


1 comment:

  1. This post should have come with a tissue warning you big meanie!

    I'm at work you know! :P
