March 4, 2011

Food for Thought

Self-Esteem. It's probably the most driving force on the planet. If I believe in myself, I will press on to wherever I want to go: college, over seas, self-employment. Just like Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right." When we look at his own life, he had encounters with rough times. His mother passed away at an inopportune time, and he had to work incredibly hard to get where he is known to have gotten.

Henry Ford did not get his life handed to him. He had to get up off the couch and decide that he was going to accomplish something rather than sit around eating chips and dip watching nothing on t.v. He changed history, developed a tool that today Americans cannot dream of a world without. All this did not come to fruition in a day, nor did it show up on his door step on a silver platter.

Because he had a dream, and believed that he could make it his reality, Henry Ford will be remembered by the world. He tried his best, which is all one can ask, and he was rewarded for his hard work and determination.

Yet we are so stagnant in our thinking and beliefs. We expect to be able to go up stream, but are refusing to paddle. Life is a river with a strong current, and we have to make an intentional resolution to get upstream, or else we will be swiftly removed from the face of the earth.

I want to make an impact on my world; I want Jesus to be pleased with the work I do during the brief time I will be here. My life is but a vapor, so the conquest must being now.

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