February 4, 2011


I'm failing miserably at an attempt to read through the Old Testament this semester.

I am in Exodus, the rest of my family are already into Leviticus.
Regardless, I am where I am.

Not to be confused with the I am WHO I am. :)

I'm reading along, enjoying the parts that do not contain large lists of numbers and laboring through those verses that do. There is one verse that has remained etched in my mind, that applies very much to my life today, even though it was written hundreds of years ago:
"And you will sanctify them, that they may be most holy: whatsoever touches them will be holy." -Exodus 30:29

I love the idea of Sanctification.

Through His Son, God has 'Sanctified' us~set us apart, took us out of bondage, and has made us able to become victorious over sin. It's a beautiful concept.
He has pulled me out of the mire, washed me clean of the filth I was stained with, and continuously washes my feet when I stray onto unclean paths that Satan tempts me with. His mercy endures forever.

The process goes deeper than even this though: God wants us as human beings to revert from our old ways into actions that glorify Him; our lives should become living mirrors of His personality and should reveal His Nature to others.
He has working an eternal action upon our lives, but we must also put actual effort into growing a relationship with God.
Our Sanctification is steadily becoming more influential in our lives, and is not a once in a lifetime event, but must be nurtured.
We were Sanctified in the past, and we are still being set apart from the world, to be lights to the darkness, shining brighter and brighter until the day of perfection.

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